Miho Kawasaki established the first specialist tattoo magazine in Japan, ‘Tattoo friendly’ and has been the chief editor for 13 years. Miho manages the ‘Tattoo friendly’ website. She believes that tattoos are an important of form of media by which we know our past, present and future.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
There are many things in this world you can’t buy with money but much that you can. Companies are not only increasing their internal reserves but also boosting labor share and distribution, leading to a more affluent society overall. The government can support this.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
It’s OK to leave things up to fate - don’t let people tell you how to live your life. People say you can get physically sick if you worry too much about what people might say. Don’t compare what you do with what other people do. Be flexible.
川崎美穂さんは本邦初のタトゥー専門情報誌を創刊し13年間編集長を務める。現在はフリーでウェブサイト『Tattoo friendly』を運営。タトゥーは〝人間の過去・現在・未来を知る貴重なメディア〟の1つであるというのが持論。