Born in Tokyo, raised in New York, Sachiko Tanaka’s passion has always been sport. She has worked at the US Tennis Association for the past 10 years. Sachiko is back in Japan as Operations Manager at STH Japan and hopes to contribute to the potential of sport in Japan leading up to Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Provide equal opportunities and pay. Gender and age restrictions should be excluded from job applications. My hope is that this kind of question will be eliminated not only from Japan but globally.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Don’t be afraid to fail and challenge yourself. It isn’t wrong to follow others’ footsteps, but if you’re interested in other things, or realise that your personality is different than others, make that your strength and take a path only you can take.
田中佐知子さんは東京で生まれ、ニューヨーク育ち。スポーツの可能性に魅了され、全米テニス協会で10年スポーツ・ビジネスを実践。2020年へ向け、日本スポーツ界の可能性に自分の経験を活かしたい一心で2か月前にSTH Japan運営マネージャーに着任しました。