Rei Magosaki is an Associate Professor at Chapman University where she teaches American literature and literary theory. Rei has published research on Asian-American literature and globalisation for Fordham Press. She also writes a column for Sayusha
Follow Rei on Twitter at @rm4p and Sayusha at @sayusha.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Japan is ranked 111th in terms of gender equality, according to the World Economic Forum. Japan should support activities that increase our understanding of how top-ranking countries raise consciousness on gender issues. Subsidies for working women and a system that stamps out sexual harassment would be a good start.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
When you are young, you can try your utmost. I think it is important to value yourself, look after yourself and find that thing that is worthy of your efforts. People might say you can’t do something but believe in yourself. Live so that you regret nothing.
孫崎玲さんは Chapman University の准教授です。米文学や文学理論を扱い、Fordham Pressからアジア系アメリカ文学の歴史とグローバリゼーションに関する研究書を出版しました。Sayushaでコラムを書いています。
次世代への@rm4p さんのアドバイス: 若い頃というのは、限界まで頑張れる時です。自分を大事にして、頑張る価値のある何かを探してください。君には無理だと言われるかもしれませんが、自分を信じることも大切です。悔いのない生き方をしてください。