Masae Ikegawa, from Kagawa, has always loved taiko drumming. In 1999 she joined a professional taiko group in Australia where she lives with her husband and three kids. In 2015, Masae started her own group YuNiOn, seeking her voice as a taiko drummer, dancer, singer and performer.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
The most difficult time for a woman is when she is trying to juggle family life while still learning and building her career. Perhaps companies and the goverment could understand this situation better, be a lot more supportive and allow women the time to achieve their goals.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
My advice to the women of Japan is to keep walking towards your goals. Sometimes it feels like things are slowing you down and you are going backwards, however, it is important to stay true to this goal. Don’t give up. Keep your dream in sight!