Originally from Wales, Eleanor Goldsmith went to Niigata Prefecture as a JET CIR and stayed, spending eight and half years there. After moving to New Zealand in 2006, Eleanor set up her own translation business. In her free time, Eleanor teaches and studies tea ceremony (Urasenke).
Follow Eleanor on Twitter at @zaichishka.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Government and corporate initiatives need support from staff & managers on the ground. Information and ideas must flow bottom-up as well as top-down. Teleworking, childcare and work-life balance initiatives are crucial.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Travel and grab as many new experiences as you can while you're young. Spending a longer period of time in another country gives you new perspectives on your own.
エレナ•ゴールドスミスさん@zaichishka はウェールズ出身で、98年に大学卒業してからJETプログラムの国際交流員として新潟県上越市に派遣された。2年後、新潟市の環日本海経済研究所の研究所手になった。06年にニュージーランドに移住し、現在はフリーランス翻訳家として活躍中。趣味は茶道(裏千家)。