Kaori Watanabe was born and raised in Tokyo. After a long career in the hotel and restaurant world, she is now Visit Victoria's marketing coordinator. Melbourne has been voted the world's most livable city for seven years, has great wine, food and art so a wonderful gig for Kaori.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
The opportunities for women working in hospitality continue to increase but my hope is that different and diverse working styles are created and that conditions and status for women improves.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Treasure and cherish the people you meet and continue to build on these connections. This will bring about new opportunities and personal growth for you.
東京都出身の渡邉 香さんは長年、外資系ホテルやレストラン業界の現場に従事したのち、昨年12月より豪ビクトリア州政府観光局でマーケティングコーディネーターとして勤務しています。メルボルンは7年連続「世界で最も住みやすい街」の1位に選ばれ、美食やワイン、アート、芸術の街として有名です。
渡邉 香さんの次世代へのアドバイス:「一期一会」人との繋がりを大切にし、素敵な出会いの種を蒔き続けていくことが新たな成長へと一歩になるかと思います。