Fumi Araki was a Rotary exchange student to Albany in 1984. She is a freelance yoga instructor and works with mums, corporates and teaches at primary schools. Fumi is also busy as an interpreter/translator of English, Chinese and sign language. She’s a mum to a terrific 11 year old boy.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Fumi hopes that the Japanese government and companies work to provide a stronger support base for women so that they can do what they need to do as women, as mothers and daughters.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Fumi’s advice for the younger generation: listen to what your heart is telling you. Even failing at something shouldn’t be seen as a regret! Believe more in your own voice over the comments of others.
荒木扶美さんは1982年にRotary 交換学生として豪州で一年過ごした。今は、ヨガインストラクターとして、スタジオでの指導以外にも地域の小学校や子育て施設のヨガ、企業に出向いてランチタイムヨガを催すなど地域貢献しています。英語、中国語、手話が堪能でヨガ以外にも翻訳や通訳などでも活躍中。