Hideyo Ishii is a food consultant and an olive oil sommelier heading up a cooking studio called Tavola. Hideyo has worked overseas as a bridge between western and Japanese cuisine. She has been a “Lambassador” for 3 years now!
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Having children and working in Japan is difficult. Child care hours are short, the nuclear family is changing things too. School holidays camps and local support networks needed. Daycare facilities (for aged people and kids) needed in accessible areas.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Hideyo Ishii suggests the next generation learn as much as it can about Japan and its culture and specialise in at least one area. Learn other languages, be flexible and understand other cultures. Be a bridge for Japan and o/seas companies.
石井秀代は(株)クロスロードワークス フードクリエイター・TAVOLA の代表 です。フードコンサルタント・オリーブオイルソムリエとして海外と日本の文化を繋ぐ店舗立ち上げ、企業のメニュー開発など幅広く活動。3年前よりラム肉普及の活動の一環としてラムバサダーに就任。
Hideyo Ishii’s website is http://www.hideyoishii.com