Hiroko Clayton is an Australia-based writer. Ex-financial reporter in Tokyo. M Journ (UQ). Writes on Australian current affairs, social issues, food for various Japanese media. Living in the “bush capital” of Canberra, loves politics, debate + the scent of eucalyptus trees.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Men too need to change to achieve gender equality. Japanese government and business should create space for men to work flexibly, raise children and care for their family.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Hiroko’s very fine advice for the next generation: Don’t be limited by stereotypes of women. Travel your own path.
クレイトン川崎舎裕子: オーストラリア在住ライター。高校生ではじめて訪れてから大好きな国の「いま」を伝える。豪州の社会、政治、食などについて日豪のメディアに記事を執筆。元金融記者(米系通信社)。豪クイーンズランド大学院ジャーナリズム修士。
Follow her on Twitter at @HirokoKClayton