Today we profile my friend Kojima san. She is an author, essayist and has many regular media gigs in Japan. She is an Asahi Shimbun ‘public editor’, Tokyo Uni Grad School research fellow and an ‘Australia now’ Goodwill Ambassador!
Follow Keiko on Twitter at @account_kkojima
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
We should build a structure that allows for all people to have good work-life balance and do away with this system that calls on people to work such long hours. We need to rid our workplaces and schools of all forms of harassment.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Look after friends who you can have constructive debate with. Think carefully about the type of world you want to live in. Strive hard to build it - and smile as you go. Do all you can to support yourself as you seek to create that place.
小嶋さんは各種メディアに出演したり、エッセイや小説を書いたりしています。朝日新聞パブリックエディター, 東京大学大学院情報学環客員研究員, そしてオーストラリアnow 2018 親善大使をされています。
長時間労働を前提とした働き方を見直し、誰もが仕事と生活を両立できる制度づくりを進めて欲しいです。 職場や学校での様々なハラスメントをなくすためのさらなる取り組みを期待します。