Momoko Nagaiwa’s career has been focused on wholesaling /marketing imported food. She heads up the online/catalogue dept for Nishimoto Trading. Momoko’s motto is “Eat and Live”. She is committed to reducing food waste and by doing so create a more sustainable Japan. @jappymomo
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
As I approach my 30s, I’d like to think I understand myself and the true value of relationships better...I feel there are many more things I can experience! Hope we can work together to create an environment where people can enjoy raising their children and be themselves.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Momoko’s advice: 1) Value the happenstance connections you make in life. 2) Put the “you should do this’ and ‘this is how it should be’ comments to the side. Be responsible and have the confidence in yourself to find the solution to problems and live your life fully and enjoy.
次世代の若い女性たちへの#アドバイス - 1つ目は有機的な人との繋がりや出会いを大切にしてください。ご縁は比類ない人生の豊かな財産です。2つ目は「であるべき」という考え方はあくまで「参考」に留めましょう!正解はありません。自分の出した答えに自信と責任をもって自分の人生を楽しみましょう。