Yuko Inazawa worked at a major Japanese newspaper until this spring when she started a new role as a specially appointed Professor at Showa Women’s University. Yuko is on the board of the Japan Rugby Football Union, where she was the first female board member.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
The Japanese government set a target of having women in 30 percent of management roles by 2020! I hope the government gets there! I propose we give any government department or company that reaches that target a gold medal!!
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
The phrase ‘Boys, be ambitious’ should be changed as girls have dreams and ambitions too and they should dream big! Take steps (even small steps matter) towards achieving your dreams. Small steps will drive bigger change.
Girls, be ambitious! 少年だけでなく、少女たちだって大志を抱こう。夢は大きく。夢に向かって一歩ずつ「前へ」。最初の一歩は小さくても、その積み重ねがきっと夢の実現につながる。