Makiko Kikuta is a national MP, a Diet member. She was first elected to the Niigata 4th electoral district in 2003 and is currently serving her sixth term. Kikuta sensei spent time as a student at the University of Heilongjiang, China in the late 1980's.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
We need to change the custom of long working hours and introduce regulations (hours, conditions) to create a workplace that allows people to enjoy work and a healthy mind and body. I believe more than 30% of executive roles in all corporates and organisations should be held by women.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Sometimes you need to be brave even if this means you might be disliked. Don’t be afraid of sticking to your own beliefs, voice your opinions and ideas.
長時間労働を改め、インターバル規制により、心身共に健康で喜びを持って働ける環 境作りが必要です。またあらゆる組織において幹部・役員の女性比率を3割以上にするべきです。
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