Hiroko and Yukari Nishiyama are a mother and daughter design team creating Western clothes from traditional Japanese kimono and obis. Both hope that people will help them to share the beauty of Japanese kimono and fabric.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Japan is still very much a man’s world. We need a society that allows women to be more engaged. We also need to protect our traditional cultural and arts. If we don't, our precious art and tradition will disappear.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Go out into the world and be proud of your individuality, of who you are. Learn more about the world’s culture and through that, you will learn more about Japan and be able to share Japanese culture too.
日本はまだまだ男社会。女性がもっと活躍できる社会に。日本の伝統文化、工芸、技術を守っていかないと、消滅していってしまいます。東京2020きもの プロジェクトはすばらしい!