Yumi Asada is ABC’s (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Tokyo producer and works as a producer, camera operator, editor and translator reporting Japan to Australia. Yumi is celebrating her third year as a working mother and learning new things every day with her child.
Follow Yumi on Twitter at @yumi_asada
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Yumi hopes that the government/business can “change the corporate climate and social awareness to realise a society which welcomes women’s empowerment and childbirth - a society in which it is natural for men to take childcare leave, have work-life balance and recognises family time”.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
There are diverse ways of working - learn about other countries and talk with different people to broaden your mind. Don't be afraid of straying from the conventional path. Choose a path that makes you happy while searching for the thing that you’re passionate about!
浅田裕美子さんはオーストラリア放送協会(ABC)・東京支局プロデューサー。ニュース取材、番組制作、撮影、編集、通訳の仕事をこなし、ABC Australia の北東アジア特派員と共に日本のニュースや事情をオーストラリアに伝える。ワーキングマザー3年目を迎え、子供と一緒に学ぶ日々。